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DSO - Beethoven to Baby (Free)

DSO - Beethoven to Baby (Free)


Dunedin Arts Festival - St Paul's At One

Delight your little ones at this vibrant interactive concert featuring well-known music that has been specially arranged for six DSO musicians. Beethoven to Baby will entertain the young, the very young, and the young at heart. You’ll be introduced to the orchestral instruments, and even invited to sing along to a familiar nursery rhyme. Join us for an informal virtuosic performance of favourite tunes and fun to be enjoyed by the whole family!

Renowned soprano Anna Leese returns to curate this much-loved music series. This year with New Zealand artists and New Zealand compositions and arrangements in every programme, St Paul’s at One celebrates our own unique flavour of classical music in Aotearoa. Featuring a wide range of instrumentalists and vocalists, we are lucky to host many of Aotearoa’s most outstanding and exciting musicians in their fields. We represent opera, classical guitar, a chamber orchestra, a vocal ensemble, and Tararua, an exciting ensemble of Western and traditional Māori instrumentalists, who craft waiata, karakia, and pūrākau to tell uniquely Southern stories.

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New Zealand String Quartet (St Paul’s at One)

New Zealand String Quartet (St Paul’s at One)

Rejoice in Beethoven’s charismatic and distinctive music, played heart and soul by New Zealand’s most acclaimed chamber music group. As New Zealand String Quartet, Helene Pohl (1st violin), Monique Lapins (2nd violin), Gillian Ansell (viola), and Rolf Gjelsten (cello) perform around 80 concerts each year at home and abroad, alongside equally as many education concerts, workshops and masterclasses. Recent tours include Canada, USA, UK, Germany, Netherlands, China, Mexico and Australia as well as appearances at London’s Wigmore Hall, New York’s Frick Collection and Washington’s Library of Congress. Don’t miss this chance to hear works that show Beethoven from brilliant classicist to daring modernist.

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Bridget Douglas and Alistair Fraser (St Paul’s at One)

Bridget Douglas and Alistair Fraser (St Paul’s at One)

Bridget Douglas and Alistair Fraser first performed together on flutes and ngā taonga pūoro at the 2017 STROMA Matariki concert Te Tātai Whetū, playing Hineraukatauri by Dame Gillian Whitehead.In 2018 they toured ‘Te Korekore’ for Chamber Music New Zealand’s Matariki programme, which included Te Hau O Tāwhirimātea by Phil Brownlee. In 2018, to broaden the repertoire, Bridget and Alistair commissioned five new works from composers John Psathas, Gareth Farr, Rosie Langabeer, Briar Prastiti and Josiah Carr. These new works now sit alongside the earlier works to form a varied programme of music from Aotearoa.

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DSO - Beethoven to Baby (St Paul’s at One)

DSO - Beethoven to Baby (St Paul’s at One)

Delight your little ones at this vibrant interactive concert featuring well-known music that has been specially arranged for six DSO musicians. Beethoven to Baby will entertain the young, the very young, and the young at heart. You’ll be introduced to the orchestral instruments, and even invited to sing along to a familiar nursery rhyme. Join us for an informal virtuosic performance of favourite tunes and fun to be enjoyed by the whole family!

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Stephen De Pledge - 50th Birthday Recital (St Paul’s at One)

Stephen De Pledge - 50th Birthday Recital (St Paul’s at One)

A frequent recital and concerto soloist, New Zealand pianist Stephen De Pledge will perform excerpts from A New Zealand Partita, where NZ composers wrote works inspired by Bach’s Partita; as well as Chopin’s Ballade no.3 and the ‘Heroic’ Polonaise. De Pledge studied at Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, where he won the Gold Medal. His concerto performances include appearances with New London, BBC Scottish Symphony and New Zealand Symphony Orchestras. His solo performances have taken him to Cologne, Paris and New York, as well as throughout New Zealand and Australia.

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Amelia Berry Soprano with Terence Dennis     (St Paul’s at One)

Amelia Berry Soprano with Terence Dennis (St Paul’s at One)

A graduate of Manhattan School of Music, Amelia Berry’s opera roles range from Mozart to Puccini, as well as Gilbert and Sullivan, Sondheim, and Webber. She has performed with Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra, Christchurch Symphony Orchestra and Orchestra Wellington and is the winner of the 2010 New Zealand Aria competition. Amelia will be accompanied by acclaimed Dunedin pianist Terence Dennis, performing Richard Strauss’ Brentano Lieder Op. 68, and Debussy’s Quatre chansons de jeunesse.

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